07 October, 2013

Recount Writing by Ross

Scott, Nathan and Ross watched a short Mr. Bean video. After they wrote a Recount about it. Ross's Recount was picked because it was extra good and his writing was so neat. 

   One day Mr. Bean went to the swimming pool. He wanted to use the slides.
   First he came out of the dressing room with coloured shorts on. He tried to get on the baby slides. Suddenly the lifeguard came out of his office and saw Mr. Bean stuck down the slide. Then the lifeguard blew his whistle. Next Mr. Bean got up and went to the diving board. He was looking off it nervously. He got on his knees and he was still scared. After a while he was hanging off it. Two kids came up and by then he was hanging off with one hand. All of a sudden one of the kids stamped on his hand and he fell into the pool with a huge splash. 
  In the end he was in the pool and he noticed that his shorts had come off! It was gas. 

  Watch the video at: Mr. Bean Swimming Pool on YOUTUBE!!!