19 October, 2009

My Weekend!

On Sunday morning, I woke up.
After I woke up, I eventually got out of bed to watch Kung Fu Panda on my computer.
Every Sunday, I drive to Polish school.
There, I start to do my work. I do Polish Maths and History.
Soon after Polish school, I came home, jumped into my bed and fell sound asleep.

My Weekend!

First, I got up to wish my dad a Happy Birthday.
Then, me and my mom went up to Dunnes Stores and I saw Aaron wearing a Burger King crown.
Soon, I went to get my dad a birthday present.
After, I went to Marks and Spencer's to get a cake. So my brother went to Limerick and when he was coming back he stopped near my cousin's house in Roscrea. Lastly, my dad went to collect him from school.

My Weekend!

We have been writing about our weekends using some really good openers. Openers are words that are used at the start of each sentence. Instead of using 'then', 'I' and 'my' to start each sentence, we have begun to use words such as 'first', 'soon', ;next', 'after', 'so', 'last' and 'eventually'.

08 October, 2009